Motor drive for through going spindle 4778


Powerful 24 V DC motor with worm gear, designed for non-rotating
through going spindle for pushing and pulling movements. A cable with
AMP plug and an integrated Hall sensor allows easy and secure control
of the entire system.

Special features

  • Two integrated Hall sensors for measurement of the revolutions and direction of rotation
  • Different type of internal thread for through going spindles
  • Good self-locking properties
  • Fast and powerful
  • Order spindle separately

Variant key

The variants are formed by different internal thread types for connecting
the spindles.

Technical notes

  • Spindle is not included; must be ordered seperatly.
  • Achtung: Note correct installation position (see installation example/position).
  • The drive must be protected against lateral forces by a guide system.
  • The drive working range (nominal torque) is determined for a service life of 10,000 double strokes
  • By using a controller with a short-circuit brake the holding torque position of the drive can be increased.
Model 4778.00-0002 4778.00-0004 4778.00-0006
Shop Ketterer Online-Shop Ketterer Online-Shop Ketterer Online-Shop
Motor DC motor 24 V DC motor 24 V DC motor 24 V
Sensor/Power supply Hall/5 V DC/0.3 A Hall/5 V DC/0.3 A Hall/5 V DC/0.3 A
Protection class IP30 IP30 IP30
Operating temperature 0° to +30° 0° to +30° 0° to +30°
Electric current (IN) at max. load 8 A 8 A 8 A
Idle running speed 270 rpm 270 rpm 270 rpm
Duty cycle idle speed 20% (at 5 min.) 20% (at 5 min.) 20% (at 5 min.)
Duty cycle at max. load 10 s ON 240 s OFF 13 s ON 240 s OFF 8 s ON 240 s OFF
Max. lifting force* 1900 N 3700 N 950 N
Traverse speed (constant from F= 0 bis Fmax.)** 24 mm/s 12 mm/s 45 mm/s
Static Self locking *** 200 kg 380 kg 200 kg
Output (Inner thread) SG16x8P4 RH Tr16x4 RH SG14x16P4 RH

* Determined for service life of 10,000 double strokes
** The controller regulates the system in such a way that the travel speed in the entire drive working range is kept as constant as possible
*** In combination with controller, which has a short circuit brake